“Young girls protest at the Women's March holding feminist signs and posters” by Nicole Adams on Unsplash

9th March



Today is 9th March, the day after 8th March. I am a Woman and I take the opportunity to reflect on International Women’s Day because our day is any day we spend remembering our role in our society.

We (Women) have this day to celebrate our genre and to remember to all the world that our rights are not the same as men’s rights yet.

I took it more profoundly in my thoughts because for me, one of the fundamental things today is not only about showing others what we are capable of or what should be our rights. For me, one of the major issues is that millions of girls of many generations were growing up with the idea of the impossibility.

I grew up listening that ‘I should be doing this or that instead’. I grew up with the idea that some things I was trying to do were not for me. I grew up with the idea that I shouldn’t be playing football because people could think that I could be a lesbian. I grew up with the idea that two really different worlds existed: Women’s world and Men’s world.

Right now, nearly in my thirties, I figured out that perhaps we as women were being seen by the world in the same way as we have seen ourselves for years. That was our role like this for centuries. Almost every woman was educated following those rules and moralities that need to be dissipated from the future generations. That is our role as Women of today’s world. We have seen that there are no impossibilities and there are no rules we can’t break.
All we need to do is not only to pass it to younger generations but also to start today with our fellow women passing the word, being friendly, and keeping together side by side.
As in all the major issues the great resolutions come from inside. We need to do this every day, from woman to woman (and woman to man), so that spreading the word will become easier.



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